

In the field of healthcare decision-making, conducting economic evaluations plays a vital role in informing policymakers and stakeholders about the most effective and efficient use of limited resources. Among these evaluations, cost-utility analysis (CUA) stands out as a powerful tool that allows for a comprehensive assessment of healthcare interventions. This article will outline the key steps involved in conducting a robust cost-utility analysis and elaborate on its significance in guiding public health implementation.

1. Define the Problem and Objective

Before embarking on a cost-utility analysis, it is important to clearly define the problem and identify the specific objective of the evaluation. By doing so, researchers can establish the context for the analysis and ensure that the relevant aspects are included, thus enabling meaningful comparisons between different interventions.

2. Identify and Measure Health Outcomes

The next crucial step is to identify the health outcomes that are relevant to the intervention being assessed. In cost-utility analysis, outcomes are typically measured in terms of Quality-Adjusted Life Years (QALYs), which capture both the quantity and quality of life experienced by individuals. Assigning QALY weights to different health states is essential, and this can be achieved through various methods such as preference-based utility measures and literature reviews.

3. Collect and Analyze Cost Data

Accurate cost data is essential for conducting a comprehensive cost-utility analysis. Costs should be collected from both a societal perspective, taking into account all relevant costs to various stakeholders, and also from a perspective of the healthcare system. Data sources may include medical records, administrative databases, surveys, and literature reviews. It is important to ensure that costs cover all aspects involved, including direct medical costs, non-medical costs, and indirect costs.

4. Calculate Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ICER)

The ICER is a key metric in cost-utility analysis, representing the ratio of the incremental costs to the incremental health benefits gained from the intervention being evaluated compared to an alternative. This helps decision-makers determine the value for money offered by these interventions. The threshold for determining cost-effectiveness may vary across different countries and health systems, and should take into account societal preferences and budget constraints.

Incremental Cost – Effectiveness Ratio (ICER).

Example of average cost-effectiveness ratio and incremental cost-effectiveness ratio estimated.

5. Perform Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity analysis is crucial for exploring the robustness of the results obtained from the cost-utility analysis. It allows researchers to assess the impact of varying key parameters and assumptions on the outcomes of the analysis. Sensitivity analysis enhances the credibility and reliability of the results and aids in identifying the most influential factors affecting cost-effectiveness estimates.


Conducting cost-utility analysis is of paramount importance in public health decision-making, as it helps policymakers make informed choices regarding the allocation of resources. A comprehensive cost-utility analysis ensures that both costs and outcomes are considered, enabling the comparison of various healthcare interventions. By following the key steps outlined in this article, researchers and decision-makers can ensure a rigorous and transparent assessment of interventions, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of public health implementation strategies.


  • Phn Joseph NZAYISENGA

    Discover the captivating insights of epidemiologist & pharmacist Joseph NZAYISENGA (MPH, RPh. & B.Pharm.) as he merges pharmacy and epidemiology to elevate public health. Explore his evidence-based blog, where he demystifies complex concepts, offers practical advice, and empowers readers to make informed decisions about their health. Join him on this transformative journey to shape a future where science and compassion converge, improving outcomes for individuals and communities worldwide.

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Discover the captivating insights of epidemiologist & pharmacist Joseph NZAYISENGA (MPH, RPh. & B.Pharm.) as he merges pharmacy and epidemiology to elevate public health. Explore his evidence-based blog, where he demystifies complex concepts, offers practical advice, and empowers readers to make informed decisions about their health. Join him on this transformative journey to shape a future where science and compassion converge, improving outcomes for individuals and communities worldwide.

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