
Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that employs hypnosis to help individuals achieve a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility. It is used for various psychological and medical conditions, such as anxiety, pain management, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). One intriguing application of hypnotherapy is past life regression, which aims to uncover memories of past lives to address issues in the current life.

What is Past Life Regression?

Past life regression (PLR) is a controversial and often debated use of hypnotherapy. It involves guiding individuals into a hypnotic state to explore purported past lives. Proponents believe that unresolved issues from these lives can manifest as psychological problems in the present, and addressing them can lead to healing and personal growth. Critics argue that there is no scientific basis for the existence of past lives and that PLR can create false memories, leading to potential ethical concerns.

Evidence and Insights from Research

  1. Ethical Considerations: Past life regression therapy is not widely supported by mainstream medical associations due to ethical and conceptual issues. Critics argue that it is not evidence-based and poses risks such as the implantation of false memories (Andrade, 2017). The ethical debate centers around the lack of verifiable evidence for past lives and the potential harm from creating false beliefs in patients (Andrade, 2017).
  2. Effect of Suggestion: Studies have shown that the suggestion given before and during hypnosis can significantly influence the outcomes of past life regression sessions. Participants who received positive suggestions were more likely to recall past lives, while those given skeptical or neutral suggestions were less likely to do so (Baker, 1982). This highlights the role of suggestion in shaping hypnotic experiences (Baker, 1982).
  3. Psychological Benefits: Some research suggests that past life regression can have psychological benefits, such as increased well-being and a shift towards more transcendent beliefs. Participants who experienced past life imagery during hypnosis reported better psychological well-being compared to those who did not (Woods & Barušs, 2004). This suggests that the therapeutic process, rather than the content of the memories, might be beneficial (Woods & Barušs, 2004).
  4. Influence of Hypnotizability: The success of past life regression appears to be influenced by an individual’s hypnotizability. Those with higher hypnotic susceptibility are more likely to produce past life memories, indicating that personal factors play a significant role in the experience of past life regression (Pyun & Kim, 2009). This supports the idea that hypnotic experiences are highly subjective (Pyun & Kim, 2009).
  5. Comparison with Near-Death Experiences: There are noted similarities between the experiences reported during past life regression and near-death experiences (NDEs). Both phenomena include vivid, often transformative experiences that participants believe to be real. This comparison suggests that such experiences might tap into deep psychological or existential states (Wade, 1998). Further research into these similarities could provide more insights into the nature of these experiences (Wade, 1998).


While hypnotherapy and past life regression remain controversial, there is evidence suggesting that the experiences during hypnotherapy can be influenced by suggestion and individual susceptibility. Although past life regression may offer psychological benefits to some, the lack of empirical support and ethical concerns about false memories highlight the need for caution and further research. For those interested in exploring past lives through hypnotherapy, it is essential to approach the practice with an open mind and a critical perspective.


  • Phn Joseph NZAYISENGA

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Discover the captivating insights of epidemiologist & pharmacist Joseph NZAYISENGA (MPH, RPh. & B.Pharm.) as he merges pharmacy and epidemiology to elevate public health. Explore his evidence-based blog, where he demystifies complex concepts, offers practical advice, and empowers readers to make informed decisions about their health. Join him on this transformative journey to shape a future where science and compassion converge, improving outcomes for individuals and communities worldwide.

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