
In the era of rapid technological evolution, artificial intelligence (AI) stands at the forefront, promising unprecedented advancements. While AI holds immense potential to shape the future, it is crucial for individuals to explore the dynamics between humanity and artificial intelligence, understanding how to retain personal identity amidst the AI storm. This article delves into the intriguing concept of how AI lives in the past and dreams of the future, providing insights on how to avoid losing oneself in the process.

AI’s Historical Anchors

AI, despite its futuristic capabilities, is deeply rooted in the past. Machine learning algorithms rely heavily on historical data to make predictions and decisions. This reliance raises concerns about perpetuating biases present in historical datasets. To navigate this storm, individuals must remain vigilant and critically assess AI applications, advocating for ethical AI development that ensures fairness and inclusivity.

The Dream of the Future

As AI envisions a future filled with innovation, individuals may find themselves swept away by the allure of automation and efficiency. It is essential to strike a balance between embracing technological progress and preserving human values. By actively participating in shaping AI’s future, individuals can ensure that these technologies align with human ideals and ethical standards.

Maintaining Personal Identity

  1. Define your values:
    Clearly define your values and principles. AI may excel at processing data, but it lacks the nuanced understanding of human values. By anchoring yourself in your beliefs, you can navigate the AI storm with purpose.
  2. Stay Informed:
    Keep abreast of AI developments and their societal implications. Being well-informed empowers individuals to make conscious choices, distinguishing between beneficial AI applications and those that may compromise personal values.
  3. Embrace human creativity:
    While AI can perform tasks efficiently, it lacks the inherent creativity and emotional intelligence of humans. Embrace and celebrate your unique ability to innovate, create, and empathize—qualities that set you apart in the age of AI.
  4. Advocate for ethical AI:
    Actively engage in discussions surrounding AI ethics. Support initiatives and policies that prioritize fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI development, ensuring that these technologies align with human values.


In the midst of the AI storm, it is imperative to maintain a strong sense of self. By understanding how AI lives in the past and dreams of the future, individuals can navigate this technological landscape with resilience and purpose. Embrace the opportunities presented by AI while actively shaping its trajectory to ensure a harmonious coexistence between humanity and artificial intelligence. In doing so, we can emerge from the storm not only unscathed but stronger, more informed, and deeply connected to our own identity.


  • Meghan Oprah

    Journalism by profession, If you want to influence the world, I still believe that journalism is a more urgent and short-term weapon.

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By Meghan Oprah

Journalism by profession, If you want to influence the world, I still believe that journalism is a more urgent and short-term weapon.

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